website archives

A successful "Beauty Everywhere" talk in Rimbey
A big thanks to Jean for hosting my talk last evening at the Rimbey Library. And thank you to everyone who came out to listen; it was a great honour to speak to friends and family in my home town. Thanks to Christine Hedges for bringing Fred Schutz, my mentor and inspiration. And what a family I have - my wonderful niece and nephew came out to spend their Friday evening listening to their old Auntie Birdie! Thanks again!
A big thanks to Jean for hosting my talk last evening at the Rimbey Library. And thank you to everyone who came out to listen; it was a great honour to speak to friends and family in my home town. Thanks to Christine Hedges for bringing Fred Schutz, my mentor and inspiration. And what a family I have - my wonderful niece and nephew came out to spend their Friday evening listening to their old Auntie Birdie! Thanks again!
Beauty Everywhere is available at these outlets:
Wild Bird Store, Calgary AB
Wildbird General Store, Edmonton
Kerry Wood Nature Centre, Red Deer
Alix Home Hardware, Alix
Holmehus Antiques, Red Deer (rural)
Hannas Seeds, Lacombe
Parkland Garden Centre, Red Deer
Peavey Mart, all Alberta Stores
Source Mortgage Centre, Sylvan Lake
Best Body Fitness, Sylvan Lake
Rimbey Review, Rimbey
Ponoka Bookstore, Ponoka, (403) 783-5300
Eco Cafe, Pigeon Lake
Wild Bird Store, Calgary AB
Wildbird General Store, Edmonton
Kerry Wood Nature Centre, Red Deer
Alix Home Hardware, Alix
Holmehus Antiques, Red Deer (rural)
Hannas Seeds, Lacombe
Parkland Garden Centre, Red Deer
Peavey Mart, all Alberta Stores
Source Mortgage Centre, Sylvan Lake
Best Body Fitness, Sylvan Lake
Rimbey Review, Rimbey
Ponoka Bookstore, Ponoka, (403) 783-5300
Eco Cafe, Pigeon Lake

Brian Keating praises Myrna Pearman's new book on CBC Radio-December 5, 2016
Our Homestretch naturalist Brian Keating is back with a book that he thinks we should all be reading, or perhaps be giving as a Christmas gift.
Listen to this episode on CBC radio show.
Our Homestretch naturalist Brian Keating is back with a book that he thinks we should all be reading, or perhaps be giving as a Christmas gift.
Listen to this episode on CBC radio show.

Book Signing at Wildbird General Store - December 10
Thanks to Steve and Kay of the Wildbird General Store in Edmonton for hosting a very successful book signing yesterday!
Thanks to Steve and Kay of the Wildbird General Store in Edmonton for hosting a very successful book signing yesterday!
Newspaper write-up on Myrna-December 5, 2016
Red Deer Advocate wrote a nice front page article on Myrna.
Read it here.
Another article here.
Red Deer Advocate wrote a nice front page article on Myrna.
Read it here.
Another article here.

Busy Filling Book Orders!
Claudia and Myrna have been busy filling book orders - books sales spiked after Brian Keating's CBC interview!
Claudia and Myrna have been busy filling book orders - books sales spiked after Brian Keating's CBC interview!

Myrna's Book Launch a Success!-December 4, 2016
A big thank you to all who came out yesterday to support my book launch! Over 60 people attended and Kerry Wood Nature Centre sold a record number of books!
I was very pleased that Fred Schutz could attend. Fred has been a life-long friend and mentor who instilled in me my great love of nature. The book is dedicated to him. Fred also has a new book out - at age 96! He is shown here signing one of his previous books for Jim Potter. The Beauty Everywhere cover photograph is of a Saw-whet Owl taken on Jim and Bonnie's beautiful property near Delburne. Many other pictures in the book were also taken at "Potter's Paradise." I am truly grateful to everyone who helped make this book possible!
A big thank you to all who came out yesterday to support my book launch! Over 60 people attended and Kerry Wood Nature Centre sold a record number of books!
I was very pleased that Fred Schutz could attend. Fred has been a life-long friend and mentor who instilled in me my great love of nature. The book is dedicated to him. Fred also has a new book out - at age 96! He is shown here signing one of his previous books for Jim Potter. The Beauty Everywhere cover photograph is of a Saw-whet Owl taken on Jim and Bonnie's beautiful property near Delburne. Many other pictures in the book were also taken at "Potter's Paradise." I am truly grateful to everyone who helped make this book possible!
Myrna's new Beauty Everywhere books have arrived!
Myrna delivered a Backyard Bird Feeding talk in Leader, SK on Monday November 14th and had her first sale of Beauty
Everywhere books. The book was enthusiastically received. She is shown here with her partner, Shelley, and sister, Sheridale.
The large shipment of books arrived yesterday, November 18th!
To see more info about her book here
Myrna delivered a Backyard Bird Feeding talk in Leader, SK on Monday November 14th and had her first sale of Beauty
Everywhere books. The book was enthusiastically received. She is shown here with her partner, Shelley, and sister, Sheridale.
The large shipment of books arrived yesterday, November 18th!
To see more info about her book here