Scientific Publications
2024. Lakesha Smith and Kevin Fraser. Arrival-breeding interval is flexible in a songbird and is not constrained by migration carry-over effects. Journal of Animal Ecology.
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New paper on PUMA dispersal that looks at differences by age and sex.
Read article here HERE
Scientific Publications:
2024. Lakesha Smith and Kevin Fraser. Arrival-breeding interval is flexible in a songbird and is not constrained by migration carry-over effects. Journal of Animal Ecology. Read article here
2021. Carolyn Cook, Glen Hvenegaard, Geoffrey Holroyd, Hardy Pletz and Myrna Pearman. Age and Sex Influence Natal and Breeding Dispersal of Purple Martins. Western Birds. Vol 52, No. 4.
2021. Myrna Pearman and Leo de Groot. Mountain Bluebird Migration Tracking. The Bluebird. Vol. 43, No. 4
2020. Hill, S., M Pearman, C. Lipski and N. Lifshitz. Bat House Monitoring at Ellis Bird Farm. Nature Alberta. Vol. 50, No. 4
2020. Myrna Pearman, Leo de Groot, Geoffrey L. Holroyd and Stephanie Thurnberg. Earlier Spring Arrival of the Mountain Bluebird in Central Alberta, Canada. Western Birds. Vol. 51, No. 1
2019. Alisha Ritchie and Myrna Pearman. Radio Tracking Mountain Bluebirds Visiting Neighbors’ Nests. Western Birds. Vol. 50, No. 2.
2016. Bridget J. M. Stutchbury, Raafia Siddiqui, Kelly Applegate, Glen T. Hvenegaard, Paul Mammenga, Nanette Mickle, Myrna Pearman, James D. Ray, Anne Savage, Tim Shaheen and Kevin C. Fraser. Ecological Causes and Consequences of Intratropical Migration in Temperate-Breeding Migratory Birds. The American Naturalist. Vol. 188, No S1.
2016. K. C. Fraser, A. Shave, A. Savage, A. Ritchie, K. Bell, J. Siegrist, J. D. Ray, K. Applegate and M. Pearman. Determining fine-scale migratory connectivity and habitat selection for a migratory songbird by using new GPS technology. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 001–007
2003. Lane, R. K., and M. Pearman. Comparison of spring return dates of Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) and Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) with monthly air temperatures. Canadian Field-Naturalist. 117:110-111.
2024. Lakesha Smith and Kevin Fraser. Arrival-breeding interval is flexible in a songbird and is not constrained by migration carry-over effects. Journal of Animal Ecology. Read article here
2021. Carolyn Cook, Glen Hvenegaard, Geoffrey Holroyd, Hardy Pletz and Myrna Pearman. Age and Sex Influence Natal and Breeding Dispersal of Purple Martins. Western Birds. Vol 52, No. 4.
2021. Myrna Pearman and Leo de Groot. Mountain Bluebird Migration Tracking. The Bluebird. Vol. 43, No. 4
2020. Hill, S., M Pearman, C. Lipski and N. Lifshitz. Bat House Monitoring at Ellis Bird Farm. Nature Alberta. Vol. 50, No. 4
2020. Myrna Pearman, Leo de Groot, Geoffrey L. Holroyd and Stephanie Thurnberg. Earlier Spring Arrival of the Mountain Bluebird in Central Alberta, Canada. Western Birds. Vol. 51, No. 1
2019. Alisha Ritchie and Myrna Pearman. Radio Tracking Mountain Bluebirds Visiting Neighbors’ Nests. Western Birds. Vol. 50, No. 2.
2016. Bridget J. M. Stutchbury, Raafia Siddiqui, Kelly Applegate, Glen T. Hvenegaard, Paul Mammenga, Nanette Mickle, Myrna Pearman, James D. Ray, Anne Savage, Tim Shaheen and Kevin C. Fraser. Ecological Causes and Consequences of Intratropical Migration in Temperate-Breeding Migratory Birds. The American Naturalist. Vol. 188, No S1.
2016. K. C. Fraser, A. Shave, A. Savage, A. Ritchie, K. Bell, J. Siegrist, J. D. Ray, K. Applegate and M. Pearman. Determining fine-scale migratory connectivity and habitat selection for a migratory songbird by using new GPS technology. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 001–007
2003. Lane, R. K., and M. Pearman. Comparison of spring return dates of Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) and Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) with monthly air temperatures. Canadian Field-Naturalist. 117:110-111.